The Flasher 
SpringGun Press
(with Laura Eve Engel)
Dzanc Books
My Untimely Death
Subito Press





Epoch “The First Woman on Earth, or: DENISE”

The Kenyon Review “Knock, Knock”

Electric Literature “Dear Sir or Madam”

Ninth Letter “Time and Temperature” + “Dispatches from the War”

Third Coast “The Affair Ends Badly” + “An Emissary Visits the King”

Versal “Graverobbers, Go”

Hayden’s Ferry Review “The Autopsy”

Paper Darts “Monsters or Some Bullshit”

The Normal School “Morning Flight”

LIT “Holy, Holy, Holy” + “Revelations”

Southern Review “Little Abby Dwell”

NANO Fiction “You Cannot Know the Color of Our Despair”

Camera Obscura “It Goes Without Saying”

Midwestern Gothic “Pontiac”

Sonora Review “The Dowry”

StoryQuarterly “Cowboy”

Denver Quarterly “Thelma” + “Holiday,” + “Why I Cannot Return to Schaumburg, Illinois”

Indiana Review “Dissonance: Or, So We Hanged the Governor”

Hobart “So They Won’t Notice the Fire” + “The Bear Attack” + “After We Found Angelina Jolie’s Mummified Body”

Cincinnati Review “Blood Work”

Open City “The flasher wakes.” + “The flasher buys a painted turtle.” + “The flasher interviews for a job.”

Dislocate “Lucky Dog”

Salt Hill “The flasher is asked for change.” + “The flasher tries to be a nudist.” + “The flasher tells a joke.”

Alaska Quarterly Review “Still We Are Here”

The Southeast Review “Hope’s Dancing Fancy”

NOÖ Journal “The flasher builds a watch.” + “The flasher goes to the D.M.V.” + “The Flasher goes to a birthday party.”

The Los Angeles Review “The Third Time I Saw a Spot”

580 Split “Aralie”

The South Carolina Review “The Mortar of Fourths”

The Southern Indiana Review “The Pyromaniac’s Chickens”

The Madison Review “Carom”

CutBank “Department of Calamitous Events”

The South Dakota Review “Miss Nebraska”

Saltgrass “My Untimely Death: Number Thirteen”

Indiana Review “The Way Back”

Ninth Letter “My Untimely Death: Number Four”

Redivider “My Untimely Death: Number Four”

Handsome “My Untimely Death: Number Two”

Redactions “My Untimely Death: Numbers Nine and Fourteen”

Cream City Review “We Have Improved Our Recommendations to Serve You Better”

The Flint Hills Review “Mrs. Allie’s Birthday Present”


Electric Literature “The Drowning Boy”

Puerto del Sol “How Clowns Die”

(mac)ro(mic) “We Draw the Line at November”

Smokelong Quarterly “Recess” + “Bit Player” + “Day and Night and After” +
When You Look For Us, I’ll Be Here”

Opium “Our Babies Are Going to Get Married”

The RS500 “The Basement Tapes”

The Collapsar “God” + “Jesus” + “Thomas Jefferson” + “Half-Black Boys”

Vol. 1 Brooklyn “Another Castle”

Paper Darts “Biologists Study Grace”

Wigleaf “The Hell Bucket”

NANO Fiction “Bylaws of the State of Flash”

Everyday Genius “George Washington”

elimae “Civil War”

Dura Mater “The City” + “Walt Whitman”

SpringGun “Theodore Roosevelt” + “Germany” + “Jesse Owens”

jmww “Your Mother”

kill author “John Wayne” + “César Chávez” + “Martin Luther King Jr.”

PANK “Michael Jackson” + “Bono” + “Ghost Ronald Reagan”

The Jet Fuel Review “The Internet” + “Wal-Mart”

Super Arrow “The Plains” + “Mark Peterson” + “Adam Peterson”

Corium “Adam Peterson V” + “Adam Peterson VI” + “Adam Peterson VII”

Zine Scene “Hope’s Dancing Fancy Remixed” (with Kevin Wilson)

American Short Fiction “In Space, Smiling”

Hobart “My Eagle Scout Project: A Sidewalk: A List”

Opium “Gail the Mailwoman” + “An Explosion”

DIAGRAM “The Flasher Calls His Mother”

La Petite Zine “My Untimely Death: Numbers Five and Six”


Exigencies Anthology “Everything in Its Place”

Diagram 4 “The Flasher Calls His Mother”

JMWW Anthology 6.1 “Your Mother”

C.: An MLP Stamp Stories Anthology“This Road…” MudLuscious Press, 2011.


DIAGRAM “[SPOILER ALERT]” (co-written with Laura Eve Engel)

The Literary Review “[SPOILER ALERT]” (co-written with Laura Eve Engel)

Copper Nickel “[SPOILER ALERT],” (co-written with Laura Eve Engel)

The Mid-American Review “The Single Father” (co-written with Dave Madden)